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올해 최고의 개인 에세이: 과학 분야 최고의 에세이



레이첼 양은 올해 사이언스 커리어에 기고한 에세이에서 "저는 어렸을 때 글쓰기를 싫어했습니다."라고 한탄했습니다. "창의적인 유형은 엉킨 덩굴 사이에서 쉽게 흔들리는 혼란스러운 정글을 헤매는 것 같았고, 저는 낮은 곳에 매달린 채 어디로 가야 할지 몰라 불안하게 매달려 있었습니다."


올해 많은 독자들이 양의 에세이와 학술 글쓰기 및 출판에 관한 다른 에세이의 인기를 고려할 때, 이는 분명 많은 독자들의 마음속에 있는 어려움입니다. 일부는 학술 출판에 내재된 공동 저자와의 주고받기 등 기술적인 측면에 초점을 맞추기도 했습니다. 다른 사람들은 연구비 제안서에서 위험을 감수하거나 실패한 실험에 대한 논문을 써도 되는지에 대해 질문하며 내용을 성찰했습니다.


과학자들이 커리어를 쌓으며 배우는 교훈을 탐구하는 주간 시리즈인 직장 생활 섹션의 일환으로 과학 사기, 해외 이주, 멘토링 등에 관한 에세이도 게시했습니다. 새해를 맞이하며 영감과 성찰을 얻을 수 있도록 지난 한 해 동안 가장 많이 읽힌 글을 소개합니다. 







I hated writing—until I learned there’s a science to it

Writing is a process of “trial and error,” Yang argues.

Amid my Ph.D. struggles I learned I am neurodivergent—and found ways to thrive

Charlotte Goeyers has embraced her neurodivergent brain—and all that comes with it.

When a postdoc in my lab committed fraud, I had to face my own culpability

“I had been duped,” Rosalind Coleman writes.


I struggled after moving internationally for a postdoc. Here’s how my family and I coped

Open communication and new experiences helped Adrian Beckert out of a rut.

When I left academia, I had to embrace starting over

“It was humbling and exciting, all at once,” Ashley Ruba writes.

I thought I could conquer academic writing on my own—until I learned better

As a postdoc, Yaowu Zhang realized that in the realm of academic writing, scientists are “all perpetual learners, forever refining our craft.”

To make it through my Ph.D., I had to escape ‘grad student guilt’

Will Hart writes about how he rewired his brain.

How I made a place for myself in academia—by focusing on my writing

For Violeta Rodriguez, scientific publications were key for boosting her confidence.

How I lost and found my scientific creativity

After reflecting on his career, Jeffrey McDonnell identifies when he was his most scientifically creative self.

To write successful scientific grant proposals, I had to learn to take risks

“I didn’t want to write a proposal tailored to avoiding criticism,” Allison Boboltz writes.


Other notable essays

As women in academia, having children can feel impossible. Talking about it makes us feel less alone

How I turned seemingly ‘failed’ experiments into a successful Ph.D.

When my lab members started to leave, I felt like a failure as a mentor

How asking my Ph.D. adviser for areas to improve transformed my career outlook

Amid the stress of academia, I missed signs I had bipolar disorder





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