무슨일이지 ? 아래와 같은 메시지와 함께 어제 밤부터 돌아가던 프로그램이 중단되어 있어 검토중이다.
참고 사이트 가봐도 좀 어렵다. https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=184410#p184410
Humidity = 19.60 % Temperature = 22.30 *C Humidity = 19 Temperature = 22 Temperature = 22 Data not good, skip Humidity = 19.60 % Temperature = 22.30 *C Humidity = 19 Temperature = 22 Humidity = 19 Fri Jan 8 03:01:47 2016 SensorInterruptLoop : write to DB - INSERT INTO tfarmsensorvalue values (null ,now(), now(), 22.000000, 19.000000, 1) iot_insert_data_from_db : query - INSERT INTO tfarmsensorvalue values (null ,now(), now(), 22.000000, 19.000000, 1) SensorInterruptLoop : write to DB - INSERT into tfarmsensorcheck values (null, now(), now(), 22.000000, 19.000000, 1) iot_insert_data_from_db : query - INSERT into tfarmsensorcheck values (null, now(), now(), 22.000000, 19.000000, 1) SensorInterruptLoop : write to DB - INSERT into tfarmactuoperate values (null, now(), now(), 0, 0, 0, 0) iot_insert_data_from_db : query - INSERT into tfarmactuoperate values (null, now(), now(), 0, 0, 0, 0) SensorInterruptLoop : write to DB - INSERT into tfarmactucheck values (null, now(), now(), 1, 1, 1) iot_insert_data_from_db : query - INSERT into tfarmactucheck values (null, now(), now(), 1, 1, 1) piBoardRev: Unable to determine board revision from /proc/cpuinfo -> Unable to open /proc/cpuinfo -> You may want to check: -> http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=184410#p184410 pi@raspberrypi ~ $ pi@raspberrypi ~ $
아래 참고 : https://github.com/WiringPi/WiringPi2-Python/issues/21
thanks for the answer. in the mean time i found out the problem.
It was my own mistake. i'm calling a c funktion from java over jni. In this c funktion i call setupWiringPI(). So everytime i call this funktion, i open a new file /proc/cpuinfo. That was the cause. After a long time i opened too many files and the system crashed. Now created a new JNI funktion just for setupWiringPI()..
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