라즈베리 파이 레슨 자료 링크 : http://www.toptechboy.com/raspberry-pi-with-linux-lessons/
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSONS
As much as we love the Arduino, we all reach the day that we need more horsepower in our projects. When you reach this point, reach out and grab yourself a Raspberry Pi. The lessons below will have you up and going on the Pi in no time.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 1. Introduction to the Raspberry Pi and the gear you will need to get started.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 2. In this lesson we learn how to format the SD card, download and install the operating system, and get the Pi booted up.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 3: In this lesson we learn the Linux command to let us navigate through the folder and file system on the Raspberry Pi. This is probably the most important lesson, and if you master the material in this lesson, the rest will be easy.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 4: In this lesson we will learn how to make new directories and folders using mkdir command, and then how to create and edit text files using the nano command.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 5: This lesson explores best practices for naming files and folders. Remember in Linux folders are also known as directories. Bottom line . . . do not use spaces in file names in Linux.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 6: In this lesson we learn how to copy, move and delete files and folders in Linux on the Raspberry Pi. Use this lesson to continue to build your Linux terminal and command line skills. Continue to improve your proficiency at understanding the Linux path methodology.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 7: This lesson shows how to simplify repetitive tasks using the Linux Wildcard. The wildcard lets you automate repetitive tasks.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 8: In this lesson we show you how to direct the output of Linux commands to a file instead of to the terminal window.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 9: We show you how to use the very powerful Linux Sort Command. We look at forward and reverse sorting, and sorting names, numbers and months.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 10: This lesson reviews how to properly and safely shutdown the Raspberry Pi. The SD card is easily corrupted so be diligent in shutting down properly.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 11: Fixing Problem with US Keyboards and Special Characters. The default Raspberry Pi operating system is not configured for US Keyboards. This lesson shows a quick fix to that problem.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 12: This lesson gives more details on using Linux path commands. We show how to reference user directory using ~, and other useful tips and techniques.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 13: This lesson shows you the power of using Linux pipes. This allows you to take the output from one command and use it as the input for another command.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 14: This lesson shows you how to combine Linux pipe and tee commands.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 15: Finding files with the Linux “find” command. This lesson shows the tricks and techniques associated with Linux “find”.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 16: This lesson shows you how you can search within Linux files using the grep command.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 17: This lesson shows you how to determine your IP address using ifconfig.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 18: This lesson will show you how to remotely log into your Raspberry Pi from a windows machine using the Putty SSH Telnet client. We show you how to install this free software, and how to use it.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 19: This lesson shows you how to add and delete users from your Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 20: This lesson will review how to back up your SD card and operating system. It also shows how to load the operating system from a backup in the case your system becomes corrupted.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 21: This lesson shows how to add an admin user with the same privileges as “pi” user.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 22: This lesson introduces the concepts of permissions on files and folders.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 23: This lesson shows how to change permissions on files and folders.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 24: This lesson shows you how to edit and run Python programs on the Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi with Linux LESSON 25: This lesson shows how the GPIO pins are configured on the Raspberry Pi 2.
Raspberry Pi Linux LESSON 26: This lesson shows how to control the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi using Python. We show how to select the pins, set their modes and then how to send them high or low.
Raspberry Pi LESSON 27: This lesson shows you how to simulate analog voltages on the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins using Pulse Width Modulation. This is like the Arduino analogWrite function.
Raspberry Pi LESSON 28: This lesson presents a step-by-step tutorial on how to simply control the position of a servo using the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins and Python.
Raspberry Pi LESSON 29: In this lesson we show how to set up the GPIO pins as inputs and how to read from them in python. We also show how to activate the internal pullup resistors on the GPIO pins. We demonstrate this with a simple circuit with two push buttons.
Raspberry Pi Lesson 30: In this lesson we show how to control two LEDs from two push buttons using Python. This requires us to use GPIO pins as inputs and outputs.
Raspberry Pi Lesson 31: In this tutorial we show how to create a dimable LED whose brightness is controlled by two push buttons.
Raspberry Pi LESSON 32: Options for analog input to the Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi LESSON 33: This lesson shows you how to boot the Raspberry Pi into the Graphical User Interface for a Windows Like user experience.
Raspberry Pi LESSON 34: Google Chromium is a version of Chrome that will run on the Raspberry Pi. This lesson shows you how to install this browser on your Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi LESSON 35: This tutorial shows you how to install a free office-like word processor and spreadsheet onto your Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi LESSON 36: This lesson shows you how to open programs, files and folders with a single click in the graphical user interface.
Raspberry Pi LESSON 37: This lesson shows you how remotely run a graphical user interface on the Raspberry Pi. Get the full windows like experience on a remote desktop.
- See more at: http://www.toptechboy.com/raspberry-pi-with-linux-lessons/#sthash.5mWuhGj1.dpuf
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