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사물인터넷 제품 리뷰 - 20 가지의 IoT 제품들에서 영감을 얻자.


예전에 5살 아이를 데리고 예술의 전당 명화 전시회에 갔을때, 어른은 12,000원, 젓먹이 아기들에게도 8,000원의 입장료를 받았는데 아기들이 무얼 안다고 돈을 받을까 의아했다. 후에 들은 이야기지만 명화를 보는 것이나, 클래식 음악을 듣는 것들은 아기들에게 영감을 줄 수 있다고 한다. 그러니 당연히 요금을 받는것일 테고... 보거나 듣는 비용이 아니라 가슴으로 느끼는 비용을 내는 것이다.     

영감(inspiration)이 문자 그대로 ‘생기를 불어넣어준다’는 뜻이며, 당연히 다른 제품들에게서 아이디어를 얻거나, 그것에서 촉발될 수 있는 다양한 경험이 중요하다고 생각된다.

예술적 착상, 특히 음악이나 문학에서 착상과 관련하여 ‘영감’이라는 단어가 자주 쓰인다.

예전에는 동서양을 불문하고 예술가의 신분은 비천했다. 그런 예술가들이 무엇인가 훌륭한 일을 하고 있다고 평가하기 위해서는 논리적으로 전제해야 할 것은 그 일에 대한 착상이 그들보다 더 나은 존재에 의해 촉발된 것이어야 하는 것이다. 즉, "비천한 음악가의 작품이 훌륭하다면 그것은 그가 다른 존재로부터 영감을 얻었기 때문이다." 라고 일반 사람들이 평가하도록 유도해야 했던 것이다.

영감에 대해 참고할 글 - http://musicology.co.kr/?p=263

약 20여가지의 IoT 제품 리뷰 자료다. 지금 만들고 있는 자료는 약 80가지의 사물 인터넷 제품 리뷰 자료를 만들고 있다. 리뷰에 대한 설명은 스스로 찾아서 만들어야 한다. 간단 간단한 요약은 특징만을 알려주는것이고 통신과 인터넷 연결, 상세한 사용법은 웹 사이트를 참고해야 한다. 혹시 출처를 표기 하지 않은 자료가 있다면 빠뜨린 작자의 오류라고 생각한다.

파워포인트 자료를 이미지 파일로 변환하여 맨 아래에 추가한다. 그래야 메인 페이지에 이미지가 배치되는 효과도 있고...

아래는 외국에서 다른 리뷰 자료다. 약 40가지의 리뷰 자료다. slideshare 에서도 찾기 힘든 자료라 여러번 링크를 걸어둔다.

아래 설명자료 카피

Transcript of "Internet of Things"

  1. 1. The Internet of Things The ‘Internet of Things’ will generate $14,400,000,000 of value over the next decade1. There will be 40 times more devices than people on the Internet in 20202. IDC estimates there will be approximately 212 billion things globally by the end of 2020. Extreme Networks estimates that 5 billion people will have Internet access. 1 read.bi/1yDOQQ3 | 2 http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prUS24366813
  2. 2. HAPIfork The HAPIfork is an electronic fork that helps you monitor and track your eating habits. It also alerts you with the help of indicator lights and gentle vibrations when you are eating too fast. http://www.hapi.com/products-hapifork.asp
  3. 3. MyVessyl Cup It can hold 13 ounces of liquid. The battery takes 60 minutes to fully charge and will last for 5-7 days. Also has wire-free charging. https://www.myvessyl.com/
  4. 4. Smart Tooth Brush The Beam Brush is a connected toothbrush that engages users with their daily hygiene routine. http://www.beamtoothbrush.com/toothbrush/
  5. 5. Smart Egg Tray Egg Minder syncs with your smartphone to tell you how many eggs you’ve got at home (up to 14 eggs) and when they’re going bad. http://www.quirky.com/shop/619
  6. 6. Smart Propane Tank This super smart propane tank gauge connects to an app on your mobile device so no matter where you are, you’ll always know when it’s time to refuel. http://www.quirky.com/shop/732-refuel-smart-propane-tank-gauge
  7. 7. Glucose Monitoring A cellular-powered glucose meter transmits each test result to a secure server and provides instant feedback and coaching to patients. This equips doctors, nurses, diabetes educators with real-time clinical data. http://www.telcare.com/
  8. 8. Smart Washing Machine Smart Aqualtis is the first Indesit Company washing machine designed to be integrated in ‘Smart’ ecosystems, covering a wide range of use cases. http://zigbee.org/Products/ByStandard/AllStandards.aspx
  9. 9. Smart Piggy Bank The Porkfolio wirelessly connects to an app on your device so you can track your balance and set financial goals from afar. Its nose lights up in celebration every time a U.S. coin is inserted and it holds up to $100 in quarters. http://www.quirky.com/shop/607-porkfolio-save-big-with-this-pig
  10. 10. Hydroponic System Niwa is the first fully automated hydroponic system that attends to all of your plants’ needs and water them, feed them and make sure they have optimal growing conditions 24/7. http://getniwa.com/
  11. 11. Smart Sprinkler Control Lono lets you control your sprinkler system anywhere, anytime with your smart phone. And the things that should be automated, finally are. http://lono.io/
  12. 12. Fiction Arcade Machine The Choosatron is a fun kit that assembles into a small interactive fiction game box, great for social reading and playing. As you play, you make decisions that affect the outcome of the story, and is printed on a paper scroll. http://choosatron.com/
  13. 13. Smart Home Security Canary is a complete security system packed into a single, device. It adapts to your home over time and sends intelligent notifications with HD video directly to your smartphone. http://canary.is/
  14. 14. Smart Pet Game CleverPet is a smart WiFi-connected game console for your dog. Automatically entertain and educate your dog, even when she’s home alone. http://getcleverpet.com/
  15. 15. Smart Lighting Control your bulbs one at a time or altogether. Find just the right shade of white. Pick that perfect tone to match the moment. Or recreate any color from a photo. http://meethue.com/
  16. 16. Analyze with NODE+ Analyze speed, acceleration, movement, direction, shock, tilt, magnetic fields, and more. http://variableinc.com
  17. 17. Smart A/C Aros learns from your budget, location, schedule, and usage to automatically maintain the perfect temperature and maximize savings for your home. https://www.quirky.com/shop/752-aros-smart-window-air-conditioner
  18. 18. Bluetooth-Enabled Insoles Shares navigation, directions and orientation. http://lechal.com/products.html
  19. 19. Swing Analyzer Make your Zepp Sensor multi-sport, all you need to do is purchase additional sport specific mounts and download the app. http://www.zepp.com/
  20. 20. Smart Sleep System Visualize your sleep cycles, understand what wakes you up, and compare nights. From the palm of your hand you can control your personalized wake-up, and fall-asleep programs. http://www.withings.com/us/withings-aura.html
  21. 21. Smart Plane The SmartPlane works with the latest BluetoothSmart wireless technology for long range and flight time – and there is no cumbersome pairing. http://www.smartplane.net/
  22. 22. Sense Mother Sense Mother is at the head of a family of small connected sensors that blend into your daily life to make it serene, healthy and pleasurable. http://sen.se/store/mother/
  23. 23. Blood Pressure Monitor Simply slip on the cuff, turn on the Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor and the Health Mate app will automatically launch. http://www.withings.com/us/blood-pressure-monitor.html
  24. 24. Smart Weather Station The Netatmo Weather Station allows you to use indoor temperature, relative humidity and CO2 readings to live in a healthier home. http://www.netatmo.com/en-US/product/weather-station/
  25. 25. Smart Slow Cooker Enjoy remote access to all your slow cooker’s functions, no matter where you are. http://www.belkin.com/us/Products/home-automation/c/wemo-home-automation/
  26. 26. Dancing Robotic Spider The TX8 is now Wi-Fi enabled, this opens up a lot more possibilities to the number of things you can do and the ways the robot can be controlled. http://www.robugtix.com/t8x/
  27. 27. Internet-Connected Mirror We are looking to bring a product to market that can make your life easier, while doing something you already spend time doing each day, looking at a mirror. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/860592058/imirror
  28. 28. Smart Tennis Racket Track your game with Babolat’s breakthrough innovation. See where you stand in the global ranking and by category within your online community. http://en.babolatplay.com/
  29. 29. Smart Bike Valour by Vanhawks gives directions, reroutes to avoid traffic, and tracks riding metrics. http://www.vanhawks.com/
  30. 30. Smart Garbage Cans BigBelly alerts when it needs to be emptied so smarter collection decisions can be made. http://www.bigbelly.com/solutions/stations/smartbelly/
  31. 31. Drop Baking assistant that gives recipes, directions, substitutions, shopping lists, etc. http://getdrop.co/
  32. 32. Petnet Petnet will control your pet’s feeding from anywhere and tracks their nutrition. http://www.petnet.io/
  33. 33. Smart Mirror A reflective mirror with programmable applications and digital display for the home, office and public environments (hotels, hospitals, retail shops). http://www.cybertecturemirror.com/
  34. 34. Smart Gardening Bitponics gives data on plants and conditions surrounding them for better gardening. http://www.bitponics.com/
  35. 35. Smart Cardio eCardio is a single component, dual-modality remote cardiac monitor. http://www.ecardio.com/
  36. 36. Smart Doorlock The Genie Smart Lock - A door lock that allows you to lock and unlock your home using your smart phone, bluetooth keyring or computer. http://www.geniesmartlock.com/index.php
  37. 37. Nod Nod transforms your movements into commands. It brings the world around you to life, as you control everything from your laptop to your living room lights with a wave of your hand. https://hellonod.com/
  38. 38. Smart Socks Socks infused with proprietary 100% textile sensors. They are paired with a Bluetooth Smart cool and detachable anklet that delivers accuracy in step counting, speed, calories, altitude and distance tracking. http://store.sensoriafitness.com/
  39. 39. Sense by Hello Sense makes smart devices to track sleep behavior and monitor sleeping environment. http://hello.is/
  40. 40. Budweiser Red Light When the user’s team scores, the light flashes and a horn sounds. Just connect it to WiFi, pick your favourite city. http://www.budweiser.ca/redlights/
  41. 41. Smart Shirt Monitors how your body behaves over time, includes heart rate recovery and breathing at rest, to monitor improvements in health. http://omsignal.com/


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