소스코드 2개를 참고하세요. 코드를 가져온 곳은 링크를 따라가면 아래 댓글에서 발견할 수 있습니다. 츨처에 있는 상황 설명은 아래와 같습니다.
TC 타이머 29 장용 버전과 SAMD21 핸드북의 TCC 30 장용 버전이 두 개 있습니다.- Markus
29. TC - Timer/Counter
* @author Markus Bader
* @brief this program shows how to use the TC timer with interrupts on an Arduino Zero board
* @email markus.bader@tuwien.ac.at
int pin_ovf_led = 13; // debug pin for overflow led
int pin_mc0_led = 5; // debug pin for compare led
unsigned int loop_count = 0;
unsigned int irq_ovf_count = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(pin_ovf_led, OUTPUT); // for debug leds
digitalWrite(pin_ovf_led, LOW); // for debug leds
pinMode(pin_mc0_led, OUTPUT); // for debug leds
digitalWrite(pin_mc0_led, LOW); // for debug leds
// Enable clock for TC
while ( GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1 ); // wait for sync
// The type cast must fit with the selected timer mode
TcCount16* TC = (TcCount16*) TC3; // get timer struct
TC->CTRLA.reg &= ~TC_CTRLA_ENABLE; // Disable TC
while (TC->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1); // wait for sync
TC->CTRLA.reg |= TC_CTRLA_MODE_COUNT16; // Set Timer counter Mode to 16 bits
while (TC->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1); // wait for sync
TC->CTRLA.reg |= TC_CTRLA_WAVEGEN_NFRQ; // Set TC as normal Normal Frq
while (TC->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1); // wait for sync
TC->CTRLA.reg |= TC_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV256; // Set perscaler
while (TC->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1); // wait for sync
// TC->PER.reg = 0xFF; // Set counter Top using the PER register but the 16/32 bit timer counts allway to max
// while (TC->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1); // wait for sync
TC->CC[0].reg = 0xFFF;
while (TC->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1); // wait for sync
// Interrupts
TC->INTENSET.reg = 0; // disable all interrupts
TC->INTENSET.bit.OVF = 1; // enable overfollow
TC->INTENSET.bit.MC0 = 1; // enable compare match to CC0
// Enable InterruptVector
// Enable TC
while (TC->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1); // wait for sync
void loop() {
// dummy
void TC3_Handler()
TcCount16* TC = (TcCount16*) TC3; // get timer struct
if (TC->INTFLAG.bit.OVF == 1) { // A overflow caused the interrupt
digitalWrite(pin_ovf_led, irq_ovf_count % 2); // for debug leds
digitalWrite(pin_mc0_led, HIGH); // for debug leds
TC->INTFLAG.bit.OVF = 1; // writing a one clears the flag ovf flag
irq_ovf_count++; // for debug leds
if (TC->INTFLAG.bit.MC0 == 1) { // A compare to cc0 caused the interrupt
digitalWrite(pin_mc0_led, LOW); // for debug leds
TC->INTFLAG.bit.MC0 = 1; // writing a one clears the flag ovf flag
30. TCC - Timer/Counter for Control Applications
* @author Markus Bader
* @brief this program shows how to use the TCC timer with interrupts on an Arduino Zero board
* @email markus.bader@tuwien.ac.at
int pin_ovf_led = 13; // debug pin for overflow led
int pin_mc0_led = 5; // debug pin for compare led
unsigned int loop_count = 0;
unsigned int irq_ovf_count = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(pin_ovf_led, OUTPUT); // for debug leds
digitalWrite(pin_ovf_led, LOW); // for debug leds
pinMode(pin_mc0_led, OUTPUT); // for debug leds
digitalWrite(pin_mc0_led, LOW); // for debug leds
// Enable clock for TC
while ( GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY == 1 ); // wait for sync
// The type cast must fit with the selected timer
Tcc* TC = (Tcc*) TCC0; // get timer struct
TC->CTRLA.reg &= ~TCC_CTRLA_ENABLE; // Disable TC
while (TC->SYNCBUSY.bit.ENABLE == 1); // wait for sync
TC->CTRLA.reg |= TCC_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV256; // Set perscaler
TC->WAVE.reg |= TCC_WAVE_WAVEGEN_NFRQ; // Set wave form configuration
while (TC->SYNCBUSY.bit.WAVE == 1); // wait for sync
TC->PER.reg = 0xFFFF; // Set counter Top using the PER register
while (TC->SYNCBUSY.bit.PER == 1); // wait for sync
TC->CC[0].reg = 0xFFF;
while (TC->SYNCBUSY.bit.CC0 == 1); // wait for sync
// Interrupts
TC->INTENSET.reg = 0; // disable all interrupts
TC->INTENSET.bit.OVF = 1; // enable overfollow
TC->INTENSET.bit.MC0 = 1; // enable compare match to CC0
// Enable InterruptVector
// Enable TC
while (TC->SYNCBUSY.bit.ENABLE == 1); // wait for sync
void loop() {
// dummy
void TCC0_Handler()
Tcc* TC = (Tcc*) TCC0; // get timer struct
if (TC->INTFLAG.bit.OVF == 1) { // A overflow caused the interrupt
digitalWrite(pin_ovf_led, irq_ovf_count % 2); // for debug leds
digitalWrite(pin_mc0_led, HIGH); // for debug leds
TC->INTFLAG.bit.OVF = 1; // writing a one clears the flag ovf flag
irq_ovf_count++; // for debug leds
if (TC->INTFLAG.bit.MC0 == 1) { // A compare to cc0 caused the interrupt
digitalWrite(pin_mc0_led, LOW); // for debug leds
TC->INTFLAG.bit.MC0 = 1; // writing a one clears the flag ovf flag
아래 이미지 pdf 파일
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