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동기 부여 명언을 적으며 영어 공부하기 


동기부여와 자기 계발을 위한 짧은 글을 옮겨 적는다. 인스타그램 릴스에서 좋은 음악을 찾아 듣곤 하는데 동기 부여에 관한 글이 자주 보인다. 영문 그대로 파워 포인트에 옮기고 해석해 보고 필요하다 싶으면  인쇄해 벽에 부친다. 사람의 의욕이 끝까지 가질 않는다. 그래서 매일 하는 거다. 목욕도, 동기부여도, 달리기도 말이다. 이미지에서 틀린 단어나 글은 이미지 캡션에 다시 달았다.   



Standing alone better than being around people who don’t value you. Standing alone better than being around people who don’t value you.
Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence
Remember… Royalty is priceless.
30대에 백만장자 되는 법  •Learn high income skills •Invest yourself •Save half of your income •Start your business
IF you want  Wealth Strength Love Trust Knowledge Clarity Peace Growth Talent Something  Take risks Lift Love Open up Read Write Walk Act Work smarter Pay the price
5 things to keep quiet about  •your big plans •your Love life •your next move •your income •family issues
Trust is most expensive thing. Cheap people can’t afford it.
I focus on money, not girls because, I never met a dollar cheating on me.
5 Skill to attract success  -Honesty -Self confidence -Time management -Networking -Being a good listener
When given the choice between being right or being kind. Choose kind.
Taking risk is better than regret.
I'm going to workout with my boy’s. Her question is who’s the boys? anxiety, caffeine addiction, back pain, body dysmorphia. 불안, 카페인중독, 요통, 신체이형장애
Don't raise your voice improve your argument.
Patience and silence are powerful energies. Patience makes you mentally strong.  Silence makes you emotionally strong.
Focus on your carrier because love is scam.
Top 5 advices given by people in2020 -Be humble -Have quality friends -Living below your means -Invest in knowledge -Have at least 1 side hustle
Don’t feel sad if someone rejects you, People usually reject expensive things and go for the cheap one.
Maturity is when you understand what is permanent and temporary.


Life is short. Time is fast. No replay. No rewind. So enjoy every moment as it comes.


3 Things to keep private  •Love life •Income •Next move
If You Are Born Poor It’s Not Your Mistake, But If You Die Poor It’s Your Mistake
Don’t be shy at 4things:  1.Old clothes. 2.Poor friends. 3.Old mom & dad. 4.Simple living
I’m focused on: Personal growth, Business growth, Muscle growth.
1.일찍 일어난다. 2.건강을 유지한다. 3.책을 읽는다. 4.사색한다. 5.규율을 지킨다.
Why people don’t succeed  •Lack of clarity •Spending money on liabilities •Fear of rejection •Not adapting to change Not enough patience
Confuse them with your silence and Amaze them with your actions.
“명랑할 것, 감정에 휘둘리지 말 것, 차분할 것, 슬픔의 골짜기에 이르면 두 날개를 펼쳐라.” -수잔 손택
원칙 1. 나 자신만을 믿을 것 2. 탐욕을 제어할 것 3. 조급하지 않을 것 4. 짧은 시간에 돈을 벌려고 하지 않을 것 5. 자기 그릇을 키울 것
시작한다. 지속한다. 목표를 달성한다. 반복한다.
make it work, make it right, make it fast.
“지나치게 격의 없는 인간은 존경심을 잃고, 너그러운 인간은 무시당하고, 쓸데없이 열의를 보이는 인간은 보기 좋은 이용물이 된다.”
항상 기억할 5가지 1. 과거는 바꿀 수 없다. 2. 의견은 너의 현실을 정의할 수 없다. 3. 모든 사람의 여정은 다르다. 4. 판단은 너에 관한 것이 아니다. 5. 과도한 생각은 우울함을 만든다.
Speak 5 lines to yourself every morning •I am the Best. •I can do it. •I am a winner. •Today is my day. •God is always with me.
Focus on your life goals. Couple goals can’t wait.
Fined three hobbies: •One to make you money •One to keep you in shape •One to keep you creative
Running away from your problems is a race you’ll never win.
I told you what hurts me, And you did it perfectly.
Never beg for a friendship or a relationship with anyone. If you don't receive the same efforts you give. Cut them off.


Accept your past without regrets. Handle your present with confidence. Face your future without fear…
짧은 단어를 쓸 수 있을 때는 절대 긴 단어를 쓰지 않는다. 빼도 지장이 없는 단어가 있을 경우에는 반드시 뺀다. 능동태를 쓸 수 있는데도 수동태를 쓰는 경우는 절대 없도록 한다. - 조지 오웰


Life’s three best Teachers:  •Empty pockets •Failure •Heart breaks
Life is limited, girl’s are unlimited. So stop chasing girl and start chasing goals.
Standing alone is better than being around people don’t value you.
Everyone thinks of changing the world. But no one thinks of changing himself.
No matter how hard you try. At the end money always wins.
Work hard until You no longer to introduce yourself!
Be a good person but don't waste time to prove it.
 Don’t get upset with people or situations. Both are powerless without your reactions
Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, Not even our trouble.
Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, Not even our trouble.
Every family has a person who breaks the chain of poverty. May, you’ll be that person.






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